Fiverr Gig Image Size-A Complete Guide

Your Fiverr gig image is one of the most important aspects in determining whether a buyer will click on your gig. It’s the first thing they’ll see, so it should be visually appealing and informative.


In this blog post, we’ll go over all you need to know about Fiverr gig image size, including suggested pixels, file format, and ideas for generating a fantastic gig image.


What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a platform where freelancers may sell their services for $5 or more. It is a popular site for businesses and people to find low-cost services in a range of fields such as graphic design, content writing, marketing, programming, video editing, email marketing, and more.


Fiverr is simple to use. Simply register, search for the service you require, and browse the available gigs. When you locate a job that you like, you may place an order and provide the freelancer with the details. The freelancer will then finish the project and deliver it to you.


What is a Fiverr Gig?

A Fiverr Gig is the service that a person will offer as a freelancer on the Fiverr marketplace. A Fiverr Gig is a freelancer’s portfolio, and it’s a terrific way to show buyers that they have the abilities needed to finish their jobs.


What is a Fiverr Gig Image?

A gig image is the main image that appears on Fiverr for your gig. It is one of the first things potential buyers will notice, therefore it is critical to make a strong first impression. Your performance image should be high-quality, relevant to your performance, and visually appealing. You can accentuate your important selling points with text, but make your image simple and easy to read. Take advantage of a compelling call to action, such as “Click here to order now!”


Fiverr Gig Image Size in Pixels

Fiverr Gig Image Size in Pixels

The suggested Fiverr gig image dimensions are 1280*769 pixels, with a minimum of 712*430 pixels and a maximum of 4000*2416 pixels. The image should be in JPEG or PNG format as well.


Fiverr Gig Image File Format

JPEG and PNG are the two most prevalent picture file formats on Fiverr gigs. JPEGs have a smaller file size than PNGs, but they can lose quality when compressed. PNG files are larger, but they keep their quality even when compressed.


Tips for Creating a Fiverr Gig Image

Here are some ideas for developing a great Fiverr gig image:


  • Make use of high-resolution photos. Your performance image should be clean, sharp, and well-lit.
  • Make certain that your image is appropriate to your gig. Your gig image should provide prospective purchasers with a fair idea of what your gig is about.
  • Use words to emphasize your main selling elements. Text can be used to highlight your abilities, experience, and pricing.
  • Maintain a simple and easy-to-read graphic. Use as little text as possible and as few colors as possible.
  • Keep your background and text colors in balance. 
  • Make a powerful call to action. Tell prospective customers what you want them to do, for example, “Click here to order now!”


Creating the Perfect Thumbnail Image

There are a lot of methods you can use when creating the ideal gig image. Depending on your preferences and expertise, you can accomplish it online or offline.


Using these approaches and tools, you can create the best Fiverr gig images.


1:Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the best image editing software for creating and modifying images. It offers limitless creative freedom with its powerful set of capabilities. If you have prior experience with Adobe Photoshop, generating amazing images for your Fiverr Gig is easy. However, if you lack Photoshop skills or cannot afford a license, there are other excellent platforms available.



Canva is a free, user-friendly alternative to Adobe Photoshop with over 250,000 templates and creative solutions. It’s an online replacement for traditional graphic design tools with an intuitive UI, hundreds of templates, and established styles. Canva’s free plan is suitable for most users, but it also offers a premium plan with more capabilities.



One of the most important aspects in determining whether or not a potential customer will click on your Fiverr gig image is its quality. You may establish a fantastic gig image for the Fiverr marketplace by following the recommendations above, which will help you attract more buyers and increase your chances of getting work from potential buyers.



What is the best image size for a Fiverr gig?

The recommended Fiverr gig image dimensions are 1280769 pixels, with a minimum of 712430 pixels and a maximum of 40002416 pixels.

What is the maximum Fiverr gig image size?

maximum Fiverr gig image size is 4000×2416 pixels or 5Mb.


1 thought on “Fiverr Gig Image Size-A Complete Guide”

  1. Thanks for sharing such a great information.. It really helpful to me..I always search to read the quality content and finally i found this in you post. keep it up!

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